Femme Fatales of the North
Meet the Femme Fatales
The Femme Fatales of the North are abstract painters Rebecca Klementovich and Kristen Pobatschnig, partnering Abstract Art with the the Local New England landscape. The two artists are from northern New Hampshire, and they enjoy showing their work in non-traditional ways. By hosting shows outdoors in unique settings, they bring the viewer outside of traditional gallery space to see the art in their natural habitat, amongst the trees, grass and snow. By pairing contemporary art with the outdoors, they offer an outdoor gallery experience to be enjoyed by art goers and non-art goers alike. They are known for promoting the presence of women in the Arts with their photographic endeavors.
Anna Demarco photo
Klementovich and Pobatschnig started collaborating with photographers (Orion Kugel, Violet Webster, Joe Klementovich to name a few) to combine their paintings with photography. The results offer a glimpse of the artist behind the canvas, and by creating such intriguing compositions the photos are at times as abstract as the paintings themselves.
Klementovich and Pobatschnig meet at a gallery and became fast friends, as they were ready to turn New England’s idea of female art upside down.
If you are interested in buying work by these women goto their websites.
Rebecca’s work is here on the next page and Kristen’s is http://colorsinspace.com/about