Birch Sentinels of the Forest

Birch Sentinals of the Forest 24x48.jpg
Birch Sentinals of the Forest 1.jpg
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Birch Sentinals of the Forest 24x48.jpg
Birch Sentinals of the Forest 1.jpg
birch 1.jpg

Birch Sentinels of the Forest


24x48 Acrylic

Modern birch tree paintings often emphasize the sense of movement and rhythm created by the trees' trunks and branches. The use of diagonal lines, create a sense of perspective that draws the viewer's eye into the painting.

The Birches here are like the protective watchers of the Forest- Sentinels

Video of painting at the bottom of page

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love the modern feel here. The brush strokes are between 3 and 5 inches. The narrow canvas fits in many contemporary homes