Coming Home

Coming Home wall.jpg
Coming Home det.jpg
Coming Home 48x38.jpg
good night.jpg
Coming Home wall.jpg
Coming Home det.jpg
Coming Home 48x38.jpg
good night.jpg

Coming Home


48x36 Acrylic

When you are driving home to North Conway, you see the majestic Mount Washington. It is kind of a welcome home drive. The lights from the street lamps give a warm friendly feel. In the close up pics of the mountain you can see the painstaking details of the many layers of bright colors that are behind the snow. So many people connect to this painting, especially if you have been coming to the valley for many years.

Buying local art from New England is a great way of helping local artists to sustain and promote the local arts community, contributing to its growth and vitality. Many artist that live in New Hampshire support themselves with being an entrepreneur artist. Vacationers or people who have moved away from the seacoast or the Mount Washington Valley love to buy local landscapes of these places to remind them of how scenic New Hampshire is.

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