Presidential Volunteer Service Award

On May 31st 2019  -ROCHESTER NH at the RPAC Art Gallery, located at 32 North Main Street.

Rebecca Klementovich, a local artist received the President's Volunteer Service Award, signed by Trump. She is one of  the curators at the Rochester Museum of Fine Arts. She has given many hours of service to help strengthen the arts in New Hampshire. Her community service for the betterment of others and part of what keeps America a stronger future.

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Crystal and Painting Installation


In 2018 I did my first painting installation, called Alpenglow with Crystals and Ice installation with another female artist from Maine, Aurora Winkler. The installation is made of canning jars, colored water, crystals paintings and other New England antiques. My latest’s large paintings are of Kezar Lake in Maine. These paintings are explorations of evolving a more high keyed color palette to represent New England. By using the Alpenglow of the mountains I have developed this warm and cool color combinations influenced by the famous colorist, Hans Hoffman. Art 21 has been such a big support for me in expanding my ideas about painting.

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Question Authority Installation in North Conway



On November 3rd, 2018, Rebecca Klementovich, co-founder of Femme Fatales of the North, will be showing a large painting installation at the Conway Library. This particularly large piece expands how we think about painting. "I have roughly twelve paintings attached together to build a three dimensional painting/sculpture. There is nothing currently like this modern 12 piece painting in the state of New Hampshire," Klementovich says.


There were two influences for this art show. One was in PS1 (an annex of the Modern Museum of Art in NYC) and the other, was by modern painter, Robert Rauschenberg. 


"It was 2004 and I took my daughter, Violet Webster, to see a Rauschenberg show at the Museum of Modern Art." There was an exhibit in the show with painted plastic chicken carcasses nailed to a canvas. Violet was impressed. Because of the way the chicken carcasses were painted, they were hard to spot. No one noticed them until Violet pointed them out (she was four years old at the time).  I, myself, saw the sky was the limit when it came to what might constitute a ‘painting.'


My brother, Joe Klementovich (a New York Times photographer) and I were forever changed after we went later to a PS1 show. PS1 is in Queens. It is the best museum to see high quality installations (installations are three dimension art designed to transform the perception of a space.) The particular one that most affected us was a large pile of trash about seven feet high, assembled in a dark room. As you walked by, you could see the shadow of two lovers drinking champagne projected on a nearby wall. 


Both of these installations were examples of a break in the traditional rule of painting and sculpture. That is why this show at the Conway library is so important to me. It is a great honor to be able explain to people the nature of an installation. I understand how difficult it often is to get to a museum to see modern work; we live so far away from the chance to see such. 


The title of the installation is QUESTION AUTHORITY. The work is for anyone who questions the norms, the rules and the social habits from the past. I hope you come and see for yourself what a modern installation is, in our town.


The show is dedicated to my daughter, Violet Webster.


Live Palette made of colorful Birds will be an installation at the Clio Art Fair NYC March 2018


Press Release by Erik Eisele (will some hilarious detail)

BARTLETT, N.H. — Former East Villager and abstract artist Rebecca Klementovich returns to NYC next month for the Clio Art Fair, where her insights from living in a small town at the foot of New Hampshire’s White Mountains will be on display. Her pallet includes the orange and pinks of alpenglow, intertwined with the subtle blues, greys and whites of ice, snow and winter mountains. Clio is a curated with an eye towards independent artists, showcasing the work, careers and achievements of already affirmed creative minds. For Klementovich this will be a homecoming of sorts, a return to the “Bunker” neighborhood of William Boroughs and the city walls where Basquiat wrote Samo, which carries a special sweetness for her — she lived in the East Village and Sunnyside Queens for 20 years.

“I will never shake the inspiration spawned by living in the creative airs of the East Village during the 90s,” Klementovich said. “The question is: Can you ever leave the East Village? The pizza on St. Mark’s, the creative riots of people dressed as vegetables protesting the loss of neighborhood gardens, the wall-to-wall Polish restaurants and Spanish bodegas. These specialties swim in my subconscious.”

But she did leave, moving to the most anti-women, anti-abstract art area of New Hampshire: Bartlett, a small town in the shadow of the Mount Washington, the Northeast’s highest peak. There her East Village-ness came out in the painting partnership with another abstract artist, Kristen Pobatschnig. It was a duo born of the dark bathrooms of CBGBs and East to the Dark and then left to go feral in the mountains of the New Hampshire. Together they co-founded the Femme Fatales of the North.

“Kristen and I began making ridiculous iconic women painting pics of wearing long gowns while abstract painting off mountain cliffs,” Klementovich said. “We wanted to show off the rarified air of being a female painter in upstate New Hampshire. We let loose, painting among the walls of snow instead of the white walls of a gallery, expressing the uniqueness of being lone voices of female abstract painting creativity. Since there is only us, the sky is the limit.”

She missed the danger element of getting home at 4 a.m. in the gritty East Village days, missed seeing the pop up graffiti art galleries in Alphabet City tenement rooms. “The only danger I could equate was painting near cliffs in high heels or East Village platforms,” she said.

She compares her work to a northern version of the painter Richard Diebenkorn. But instead of Bay Area cement roads, Klementovich uses the diagonals of mountains and colorways of the early sunset and sunrise, the palate of alpenglow, to construct a contemporary take on the traditional mountain landscape. She hopes to capture the beauty of landscapes still untouched.

“What I really look forward to is representing the White Mountains’ over the top sense of color, scale and landscape,” she said. “This area is underrated in its beauty, and art is a wonderful way to show the land.”

Klementovich will be sending three large semi-abstract paintings of the Scenic Vista viewpoint in Intervale. “To up the ante,” she said, “part of my exhibition will have colorful live small birds in cages, representative of my color palette. I was surprised the gallery will allow live birds, but hey, it’s New York.”

Klementovich is also working to design a birdcage bracelet, with a live bird perched in the cage.

“We’ll see how far I can go with creativity at this fair,” she said.

See her work at the Clio Independent Art Fair on 35th street, March 8 to 11.

Spicy, who is part of the living palette concept enjoys time with the paintings at the show.

Spicy, who is part of the living palette concept enjoys time with the paintings at the show.

Alpenglow Installation

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How does an abstract painter can see fields of color? This room is filled with one color, which represents “the alpine glow on the mountains.” Here the viewer is saturated with red, as the viewer moves through red balloons filled to the ceiling; they are able to search the room for the abstract mountain paintings. Because of the moveable bits of red color (the balloons), the viewer will start to see wild compositions of red and art on the wall, or half of another viewers face amid the moveable bits of color. It is as if you are inside the color red, as you experience what it feels like to be next to a large mountain spread with the red alpine glow. Femme Fatales of the North, New Hampshire

Conway Daily Sun Article -April 28, 2017 (five page article) "FEMME FATALES OF THE NORTH: DANGER! WOMEN! ART"

Kristen Pobatschnig (left) and Rebecca Klementovich are the art collaborative "Femme Fatales of the North." (JAMIE GEMMITI PHOTO)CONWAY — Women, mountains, danger. Such were the images that abstract painters Kristen Pobatschnig and Rebecca Klementovich hoped to bring to mind by naming their collaboration, "Femme Fatales of the North."

The evocative title seemed to work, with their work being highlighted on WMUR's "New Hampshire Chronicle" and in the May issue of New Hampshire Magazine with a story called "Remarkable Women 2017: Artists to Watch."

The collaboration began shortly after Pobatschnig, 32, of Conway first visited Klementovich, 47, at her Bartlett home.