Birches Bend to Left and Right

Birches Bend to Left to Right full.jpg
Birches Bend to Left to Right det.jpg
birch pinky.jpg
Birches Bend to Left to Right full.jpg
Birches Bend to Left to Right det.jpg
birch pinky.jpg

Birches Bend to Left and Right


30x40x1.5” Acrylic

This series of work is principally associated with the Birch trees and landscape of New England through the poem Birches, by Robert Frost. He was a beloved New Hampshire poet of traditional verse forms and metrics who remained steadfastly aloof.

The author used often dark meditations on universal themes, His use of Birch trees to show universal themes is why I chose his work for this series. The painting titles are influences by his poem, Birches. This particular series explores the shapes of these trees in a more abstract and bright palette.

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